This YouTube video from Fittdesign TV details how businesses can maximize retail experiences for customers in their design showroom.
Changing Industry
With sales of clothing and other items moving to an online-only environment, retailers need to create innovative floor plans to draw in more customers. If this is done the right way, then they’ll become more popular since there are fewer brick-and-mortar locations.
See Things as a Customer
To design a store that best fits your customer you need to put yourself in their shoes. Look at the design as if you were a client to determine the floor space and how clothing is displayed to maximize interest. Overall, you want to make the store worth visiting.
Divide it Into Zones
No matter the size of your space, create three zones for your customers. The first should be where they’re welcomed. The second zone should encourage clients to wanted through well-designated paths to see what’s available. The finishing zone contains the fitting rooms and check-out areas. This can also be an area where customers purchase last-minute items.