There have been a lot of news stores lately regarding hacking of important information or confidential information falling into the wrong hands. It is likely that you have, at one time or another, received a notification from one of your credit card companies or banks about the possibility of your information being stolen. They probably replaced your credit card and offered you a minimum time of free credit monitoring. The data breaches and information hacks seem to be getting worse and companies are not taking the necessary efforts to prevent this from happening.
Companies that have access to customer?s information need to take every possible effort to protect that information. Depending on the type of business, the security efforts will look different. Businesses that hold onto client?s confidential medical records, for example, may need to have locked filing cabinets for records in hard copy. If they choose to switch to a complete technological system, they will need something that is secured and provides encrypted data collections. A company that has financial records needs to practice proper disposal methods when transferring that information to an online database.
In the past few years, many companies have switched to technological information storage methods. These methods have both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to customer information security. However, when the switch it made, it is crucial to use a document destruction company to properly rid of all the hard paper documents.
This is probably one of the biggest mistakes that businesses make when it comes to protecting customer?s confidential information. Simply throwing away documents is not enough protection. A person who is able to get into the trash is able to piece together the documents, even if they are simply torn up. These documents need to be professional shredded with document destruction services. In earlier Ponemon research, almost one third of respondents said that paper documents were most at risk for information breach while awaiting disposal or shredding. It is important to have paper shredding available immediately after the documents are no longer needed for business.
There are many other benefits of shredding documents for businesses. The shredding not only protects the customers of the business, but it also protects the company?s information from being stolen. Additionally, a data breach inside of a company can harm the reputation of that company, reducing its reputation. The benefits of shredding documents are for the purpose of the company as well.
Another one of the benefits of shredding documents is the recycling of the paper. For every ton of paper shredded, 17 trees are saved, 16,000 litres of water are saved, 4.2 MWh of electricity is saved, 2.42 cubic meters of landfill space is saved. Confidential documents that are not shredded are unable to be recycled because of the confidential information they hold. However, one they are properly shredded, the paper can be properly recycled. The benefits of shredding documents are not just for the purpose of confidentiality.
Smaller businesses may find it difficult to properly shred documents in a timely manner. However, paper shredding for small businesses exist for this purpose. Small business can utilize on site paper shredding services, ensuring that no confidential information is lost during paper transit. They can also utilize one day or one week shredding services, which involve professional shredding services for a minimum amount of time. This is often used during technological transition times, when paper shredding needs may be higher. However, regular shredding done on a daily basis can help a business keep up with their paper shredding needs. Small businesses that operate an office shredder spend, on average, 15 minutes of staff time, each and everyday, shredding confidential documents.
There have been a lot of data and confidential information security breaches lately. Customers are unsure who to trust with their confidential information anymore. Companies need to take extra precautions in protecting their customer?s information. Moving to an internet storage database can increase security, if it is done properly. However, that often required the disposal of the paper documents. These paper documents should be properly shredded and immediately shredded. Smaller businesses can hire on site and per day shredding services for large projects, like moving over to a technological database.
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