The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important and delicate markets throughout the world. The contents that are contained in pharmaceutical packaging can be extremely dangerous and if mishandled and can result in serious health issues.
Every year, the pharma industry seemingly creates a new batch of drugs, some helpful and some not so helpful, that are then mass-produced and distributed to pharmacies, stores, and patients throughout the world. Luckily, since the pharma industry has been so innovative over the last few decades, the methods, processes, and programs used to ensure safety, organization, and accuracy have been just as innovative.
Serialisation is the pharma industry’s response to counterfeiting and simply just making sure each item goes to the correct place. The blister packaging process, for example, usually involves 20 slots for a medication pill and serialisation helps ensure that every item, down to the last individual pill, is accounted for.
Accountability is important in the pharma industry from the production process, through the distribution process, all the way to the patient consuming the product. Each medicine bottle, each package, and down to each individual pill needs to be accounted for and kept a record of throughout the entire life of that particular item as it goes through the pharmaceutical supply chain in order to maintain safe medical practices.
Far too many people accidentally overdose or take the wrong medicine in this country because of simple mistakes made by either the user, the packaging, or the pharma company itself. It’s up to the blister packing process and industry leaders with a focus on serialisation pharma to make sure this type of medical mistake does not happen nearly as much as it’s been happening.
It’s essential that companies are able to successfully determine if a drug is a counterfeit or not, if they can properly monitor the drug through a complex distribution network, and make sure that the correct drugs are going to the correct patients.
This is such a serious issue because even the smallest mistake could cause serious medical issues for one individual person and that’s one too many for all the technology available in 2016. Read more. Read more like this.