Many people assume that fireproof clothing is only worn by firemen and other types of emergency workers. While fire fighters and fire brigade members often wear fire resistant clothing, there are many other applications for mens and womens fire resistant clothing in the workplace. An fr coverall has become part of the job site uniform for many.
Womens fire resistant clothing should be worn while on the job for workers who work near flames or flammable materials. Fire proof maintenance uniforms are necessary for people who work near flammable chemicals, those who work in petrochemical plants and people who work with high powered electric distribution lines and junctions. Workers who work regularly in high power areas should not only wear mens or womens fire resistant clothing, they should also wear arc rated clothing. Arc flash protective clothing will protect wearers from shock or burn in cases of an electrical arc.
There are many vendors for fire proof and arc rated clothing. If your job possess fire or arc hazards you should wear appropriately rated work clothes and safety gear. Check with your employer for OSHA standards and requirements specific to your job site.
More on this topic: flameresistantclothing.co