What do customers expect out of their shipping options these days?
This is the singular defining question behind transportation. Businesses that want to stay ahead of the pack need to pay close attention to what their customers both want and need. Before you start scrambling to catch up, consider installing a new broker system this year. Designed first and foremost to supplement your transportation methods, broker software (also known as brokerware) will save both you and your employees a lot of money in the long run. They can help with managing LTL shipments, help you track e-commerce, and generally make life easier for everyone involved.
Here are five things you should know about shipment tracking integration and how a quick software change can tie it all together.
The LTL Market Is Only Getting Bigger From Here
What do you know about different types of load boards? If you’re thinking about LTL shipments and how common they’re becoming, you’re already on the right track. Recent studies have determined the LTL market is estimated at an impressive $35 billion, with these figures expected to steadily rise for the next few years. Back in 2013 trucking alone transported nearly 15 billion tons of cargo. This is going to be one of your best tools by far in keeping up with rising e-commerce.
Trucks Remain One Of Your Most Effective Choices
The truck is a fantastic in-between for just about any business model, size, or type. You already know trucking is bringing in billions of tons of cargo every year — the Bureau Of Labor Statistics has also reported that, once 2040 comes around, that number is going to rise to 18 billion tons. Over 12 million trucks, rail cars, and vessels move goods in and out of the transportation network on a regular basis. When you need an effective cost with a short wait time, trucking remains your best bet by far.
E-Commerce Is Fast Becoming The New Normal
Customers are becoming more demanding by the day. When you consider just how convenient the digital age is, it’s not hard to see why. American e-commerce revenue is sitting at $420 billion and climbing year after year — whether it’s a full truckload or less-than-truckload, carriers are adjusting as best they can to these huge changes in the retail industry. Any business worth its salt needs to learn about different types of load boards to better serve their customers. Anything less than effective shipping is just begging for trouble down the road.
Transportation Time Is Going Down, Value Of Freight Is Going Up
Just what’s changing and what’s staying constant? Satish Jindel of the SJ Consulting Group might have a few answers. A recent study found the average length of haul has declined — public truckload carriers have reported the average length of haul has gone down by nearly 5% between 2011 and 2016. Compare this to a study by the U.S. Department Of Transportation, in which the value of freight moved is expected to increase from $880 per ton to nearly $1,400 per ton. When this all seems like a lot to keep track of, load broker software is here to help.
Freight Management Software Will Make Everything Easier
Shipment tracking integration and various types of load boards are best organized with effective software. The probability of human error is always a very real concern for businesses these days. When even a single missed shipment can cost you several customers, you’ll be glad you signed up for a TMS system that can make sure no detail is left unturned. According to recent studies by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, nearly six million commercial motor vehicle drivers work in the United States. Trucking has the opportunity to get better or get worse.
Grab your blessings by the horns. Don’t be concerned you’re missing out on different types of load boards — make sure you have smart software on your side as e-commerce grows.