When marketing a product or business, investing in professional signs can really go a long way in attracting customers. Whether they’re outdoor banners, custom ada signs, real estate signs, custom vehicle wrap, or anything else, signs are an easy way to promote what you’re selling or providing. Fortunately for those in needs of signs, there are sign suppliers and sign manufacturers across the country just waiting to help clients design the signs of their dreams.
For the skeptics out there wondering just how effective signs, particularly digital signs, can be for a business, studies have found that an estimated 40% of shoppers are more apt to make purchases from merchants who use digital signs. In fact, digital signs tend to bring in 30% more sales than traditional signs. This is understandable when one considers the fact that, according to studies, about 63% of adults find digital signs to be more attention grabbing than traditional signage. Similar studies have found that 58% of adults find digital signage unique, 53% find it interesting, 48% find it entertaining, and less than 26% find it less annoying than other forms of media.
Plain and simple, signs, like other forms of marketing, are key to attracting and retaining customers. Afterall, many people wouldn’t even know a business exists at any given location without a sign displayed. Some studies suggest that 58% of new customers visited a business because of on premise signs. About 37% of consumers claim they regularly look at outdoor ads almost every time they pass one, and because an average of 85% of potential customers live within five miles of any given business, and that an average person will see an on premise sign about two times a day, it’s imperative for businesses to invest in quality, on premise signs.
Because of the marketing power behind signs, it’s no wonder that the digital signage market is expected to reach $20.03 billion by the year 2020. From custom ada signs to outdoor banners and other types of signs, sign suppliers and manufacturers work with businesses to create custom designs for their signs. If nothing else, utilizing signs is a cost effective and proven marketing method that requires little work once the signs are actually manufactured and set up.