According to statistics, only 3 percent of water is suitable for human consumption. Of this, 2 percent is found in ice caps and glaciers. Globally, it is estimated that two million tons of sewage is discharged to water bodies leading to the death of over two million children due to waterborne diseases. Further, 70 percent of all industries dump their waste into water bodies leading to pollution of usable water supply.
Wastewater treatment is the process of removing harmful contaminants from water that makes it unsafe for consumption. This innovative process is the main driver behind the production of safe drinking water for everyone. Other than this, many reasons favor dirty water treatment. All of these directly benefit mankind and the environment.
Here are the main benefits of cleaning industrial wastewater solution.
1. Helps Prevent the Spread of Diseases
Industrial wastewater solution contains chemicals and bacteria that lead to infections and diseases when you consume them. The microscopic organisms present in dirty water are responsible for diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, and dysentery.
Wastewater management offers an amazing solution in the removal of harmful chemical contaminants from water. In the process, water passes through various filters which block contaminants while killing destructive organisms. With this solution, bacteria and chemicals do not have a chance to enter into your water source. Therefore, people, plants and animals don’t suffer any harm.
2. It Offers Clean Water
Only a small amount of world water supply is potable. But despite this, the population on the planet is ever rising. According to statistical estimates, the world will have 8 billion people by 2025. The saddest part is, the available water will not be enough to sustain the growing population needs. Therefore, there is a need to produce more water to guarantee a clean, safe and usable water for everyone.
Well, wastewater treatment can help achieve this by undergoing its natural process. Here, you take excess water, filter out contaminants, and leave the water source safe and clean for everyone. This solution addresses the fear for perennial droughts, harmful water supplies, and water shortages by allowing water reuse time and again.
3. Helps Protect the Environment
According to statistics, one liter of industrial wastewater pollutes over 8 liters of freshwater. Such a high magnitude of pollution is a threat to wildlife and marine life. But not anymore!
Undertaking a wastewater management process helps remove harmful chemicals and bacteria from the water supply. Supplying clean water to streams and rivers helps protect the wildlife, fish and the entire aqua life. People can also enjoy various activities on these waters knowing that the water bodies are clean and contaminant free.
The process is eco-friendly as it reduces the amount of water that would’ve been wasted as unsanitary. Disposing of this water without any treatment plan harms or kills different plants and animals.
4. Helps Recycle the Waste
When treating water, waste rarely goes to waste. The treatment process removes a lot of biodegradable materials from the treatment process. Well, these wastes are then used to produce methane gas or a source of electricity.
Further, the biodegradable materials from this plant can be used in the agricultural sector. The solids will act as a natural fertilizer to crops thus reducing the use of products that cause more harm to the people.
5. Helps Create Job Opportunities
Treating industrial wastewaters helps create jobs opportunities. A treatment facility, for instance, requires human operation and regular maintenance. Further, returning clean and safe water to streams and rivers helps maintain rural areas. All this helps to encourage tourism.
Wastewater is any water that has been used in industrial, commercial or residential establishments. As such, its base quality has been altered by human activities making it too contaminated to be used. But the looming worldwide water shortage calls for a solution to reduce and reuse the wastewater. While reusing water from residential homes is easier, cleaning wastewater from industrial or commercial wastes requires a different solution. Reason being, the wastewater is full of organic items like oil and grease. Cleaning this water offers numerous benefits to people, animals, and the environment.