As a business owner, you may find that you need to hire the best trust companies at some point for your business. What are they and how can they benefit your business? In this video, they will go over what a trust is and how using a trust can benefit your business.
If you own shares in your company, it’s important to look at all of your options because it could change the amount of taxes you will pay every year. The two different ways you can own shares are private, as an individual, or you can own them through a discretionary trust.
A trust is a legal relationship where one person, the trustee, holds assets for the benefit of someone else, like shares as I’ve been discussing. If you choose to hire a trust company, they will then be the ones owning the shares instead of you as an individual.
Watch this entire video to learn all about what trusts are and how you can hire the right trust company for yourself and your business. You may find that you can save more money in the end if you hire a trust company for the shares or other properties you own.