You have probably used signs as a marketing tool at some point in your life. Maybe you used a sign as a child to inform your neighbors of your lemonade sale stand. In basketball, maybe you informed people who were driving by of a sport car wash to raise money. You might have even used a sign to direct your neighbors to your garage sale. Signs have frequently and successfully been used to notify people of events and fundraisers. Without these signs, people would be unaware of these events and the turnouts would be very small. Signs are important in notifying people of sales and activities. They are an important marketing tool for businesses, as they notify potential customers of store hours, services offered and products available.
Signs are a great low cost marketing option. If you own a business, it is likely that you need some type of a sign anyways. If you invest just a little more into the sign, you will increase your neighbor and local residents awareness of your business, and you will see an increase in your customer base. In fact, the value of an on site sign is the same as 24 full page newspaper ads each year. Just think about how much you would spend on those full page newspaper ads. The sign is a much better pricing option.
The value of marketing in signs is why billboards do so well. People are looking around as they drive. They notice large billboards, which contain small messages and large colorful images. They are easily and quickly notified of local businesses or events. 71% of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards (traditional and digital combined). People are more likely to visit these businesses or events when they see previous information about them. 58% of poll respondents learned about a restaurant they later visited from a billboard they saw while in their car. Billboards and marquee signs tend to be some of the most viewed and most popular types of sign marketing.
Signs not only notify potential customers of a business, they also notify people of sales or events they can attend. Many people will read about an event or a fundraiser from a sign and decide immediately if they will attend it. They would have never attended the event if they had never been notified about it. Marquee signs are great at getting sale and event awareness out to people. An outdoor LED display can be in the form of a billboard ad or marquee signs.
The design of the marquee signs also matters. Firstly, if people are unable to read the sign because it is of too small of font or the colors make it difficult to read, it is a waste of time. The colors and the sizes of the message need to be carefully planned and tested. They should be easy to read and the message should be short, as people only have time to read so much of it. Full color LED signs are great because people are attracted to bright and colorful things. They are more likely to look at LED business signs that are bright and full of different colors.
A scrolling marquee sign may also be a great option. LED signs often only have enough room for a very small message. A scrolling marquee sign, however, allows the planner to create a longer message. The first message should be quick and to the point, but the scrolling information that follows can provide additional information, such as the time of an event, the hours of a business or the details of the message.
Signs are a great way to get messages to potential customers or residents of a city. They are a great way to inform people about events or fundraisers. Billboards often catch people?s eyes as they are driving. Marquee signs, if they are large and colorful enough prove to be successful. Also, a scrolling marquee sign can be a great option for those who want to provide additional information to people. People can choose how much to read on the scrolling marquee, so it is important to start with a bold message at the beginning.