While some businesses rely on digital ads to market their business, others realize the positive effect that direct marketing continues to have. It’s not unusual for quite a few businesses to use a combination of both advertising methods, however. In this way they can attract customers that prefer one over the other.
It’s interesting to note the results of a neuromarketing research project on digital versus direct mail advertising. The Canada Post found that when participants were exposed to a direct mail ads as opposed to digital ones, a large percentage had greater recall. In fact, the participants that were exposed to direct mail experienced a 70% higher rate of recall. Part of the reason for this has to do with the fact that their tactile, as well as their visual, senses were involved when exposed to direct mail advertisements.
While some consumers may find direct mail useful, others do not. Nevertheless, 31% of the direct mail with personalized content has been useful for some consumers. While there are several factors that may contribute to this, the possibility exists that many direct mail campaigns are not being targeted to their ideal customer base.
Direct mail advertising is considered to be reliable for the Millennial age group. A recent survey showed that 90% of their Millennial participants expressed this opinion. This may be due to having a physical voucher that they can carry with them. When this is the case, consumers are more apt to remember to use these vouchers. The survey results showed that this applied to 66% of its participants.
A United States Postal Service study found that more than half of the households that received direct mail subsequently visited a website that was being promoted. This applied to more than 60% of the direct mail recipients. Furthermore, direct mail had a stronger influence on those individuals that were first-time shoppers at that website.
Direct mail has demonstrated its ability to assist consumers with making purchase decisions. Apparently, 92% of a survey’s participants stated that they preferred direct mail for this purpose. Oversized postcards tend to have the best response rate at five percent. After this, regular-sized postcards had a 4.25% response rate, and dimensional mailings had a four percent response rate.
Are you looking for turnkey solutions for your business? Then it would make sense to consult with a digital printing company that provides a variety of services to meet your advertising and marketing printing needs. While your specific printing needs may vary from time to time, they may include direct mail postcards as well as other types of materials, such as vouchers and special announcements. When you have all of your printing needs handled by the same print shop, this can save you time and energy so that you can focus on your day to day business operations.
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