Businesses and advertising and marketing agencies that are new to internet marketing may be well served by using an independent agency specifically focused on internet marketing for their online ventures. An internet marketing agency will have specialized expertise for most effectively using the new instrumentalities of marketing that the internet offers for both large scale and local online marketing. For instance, almost 60 percent of people have searched for a product or service on the internet and within this, about 40 percent of search engine users click on the top ranking link in their search results. Knowing how to effectively take advantage of this with SEO and other special internet marketing strategies can be challenging. An online marketing agency can shorten your learning curve.
$6.4 billion dollars was devoted to advertising in all sectors across the world in 2011. The right online marketing agency can help to prevent your clients’ share of this from being out of proportion with their returns. In addition to SEO techniques, others may be more effective, depending on your clients’ position and strategy. Pay per click advertizing only accrues a fee for the client each time a user clicks on an advertisement posted by the agency. Mobile phone apps are also a rapidly expanding market for advertising, with over 2 billion app users expected by 2016. An online marketing agency familiar with these trends and how best to use them for marketing may be able to help your agency and its clients bridge the gap from traditional advertising media to the explosion of new media on the internet.