Today was a meal prep day at your house and it has gotten a lot more interesting these days!
New school year. New meal plan.
With the use of one if the newest label printers, you are hoping that your meals, as well as your children’s will be healthy and organized.
One of your goals this summer was to reduce processed foods from your kids’ meals. you were doing pretty well with your own nutrition, focusing on whole foods and balancing your macros, but this journey is not only about you. You are making these efforts for your kids, so you can be healthy and strong for many years to come. you want to be your best self for family vacations, for grandchildren, for modeling the best habits and behavior.
To help everyone achieve these goals, of course, meant making time for whole family meal planning. this meant that you needed to start focusing on their food choices as well. Your three boys help you plan, shop, not always your favorite part of the process, and even prep meals! Far from efficient at times, you are hoping that these habits will make a difference for many years to come. Part of the process has also included checking out the latest label printers and seeing what kind of options might work best for keeping the prepared meals as organized as possible. The inkjet label printers you have used in the past have not always been as effective as you wanted, so you are hoping that you can use the label printers that you have selected to streamline the process.
Custom High Gloss Label Allow for Many Kinds of Organization, Including Meal Prep
Food prepping can get a little chaotic when you are prepping by yourself, so tossing three crazy boys into the mix just adds to the challenge. They drop things, they pretend the knife is a light saber, they crack jokes, they laugh, but they also make the time go by quickly. And meal prepping is valuable lesson for them to learn the importance of healthy food and how to cook. So, you will take the extra time and the extra mess because it also means you get to spend time with them instead of by yourself. It is a win win as far as you are concerned.
Recently, the boys helped make the food they wanted for the next week: carrot cake baked oatmeal muffins, turkey meatballs, broccoli and cucumbers, and vanilla pudding pops. You choose your battles, and on this given week pudding pops was not one of them. You are trying to get a couple of your friends to join you in this healthy eating adventure, but so far you have not had a lot of takers. That is probably not unusual though.
In fact, recent research indicates that only 24% of people indicate that they “almost always” look at the sugar content of products, and only 26% said they paid close attention to serving size. Furthermore, the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University performed a new study which reported that food labels only result in a cutback in unhealthy food options by 13%.
Where does Your family land on this spectrum? Are planning, preparing and label ing meals every Sunday afternoon so that your weekdays are easy to manage? Are you flying by the seat of your pants and struggling to eat even one or two healthy meals a week, instead relying on fast food all too often? If you are like most Americans, you are likely spending some time trying to get together one or two good meals a week, and resorting to take out or fast food at other times.
For many Americans, a healthy meal allows you to feel more energized for the day and better about the calories that you consume. In spite of the benefits, however, many are still a long ways from making sure that the number of preservatives and processed sugars are limited. Although it often takes more time, and sometimes even costs more money, healthy meal prepping is a great way to make sure that you are modeling habits that will help your children be their best selves.