How clean is your office space? Do you have dirty dishes in the kitchen? Are your employees worried about catching viruses at work? When was the last time desks, chairs, keyboards, and phones were sanitized?
If you’re concerned that your office isn’t as clean as it could be, or are convinced that it isn’t clean at all, why not use business cleaning services? While the benefits of hiring a cleaning service may be clear, you might be interested in a few highlights.
In addition to coming in after your staff has gone home for the day, green cleaning services use green products and microfiber cleaning technology. Together, these have been shown to be quite effective with providing advanced cleaning results.
You may also be interested to learn the results of a recent survey on office cleanliness. Approximately 33% of the participants stated that their keyboard and phones were the dirtiest items in their workspace. Ironically, less than 10% of these individuals indicated that they cleaned these items very often.
Almost 100% of employees are afraid they might catch a virus while at their place of employment. While this may be due to people coming to work sick, it could also be due to cleanliness issues. Were you aware that desks can be dirtier than toilets seats? It’s been discovered that dirty desks may have 400 times the amount of bacteria.
Dirty dishes can be annoying, especially when they’re cluttering up your office kitchen, a recent Staples survey found that half of the participants stated their co-workers left dirty dishes behind. Since these, too, can be a source of bacteria and spread germs, implementing a “clean-up-after-yourself” policy as well as hiring a cleaning service can provide a simple remedy.
As stated previously, microfiber cleaning technology and green product lines are effective with maintaining a clean working environment. According to the University of Washington’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, there are three primary benefits of using microfiber cloths and mops rather than the more traditional cotton.
First of all, microfiber can capture microbes more effectively than cotton. The University of Washington cites a study conducted by The University of California, Davis’ Medical Center which compared the two different types of mops. It was found that the cotton-loop mop provided a 30% reduction in bacteria, while the microfiber mop provided a 99.2% reduction in bacteria. This is a notable difference.
The second benefit of microfiber is protecting against cross-contamination. This is accomplished by using an effective color-coding system. Since mops and cloths are both available in different colors, they can be assigned for different tasks and purposes.
The third benefit of using microfiber products is that they provide a reduction in both water and chemical usage. A University of Massachusetts Lowell study found that microfiber mops use less water and chemicals. As a result, this eliminates the necessity to wring out heavy mops, which also reduces worker injuries. Furthermore, the individuals that use these mops don’t need to handle as much water or chemicals.
It has been established that indoor air pollution is known to contribute to a variety of health conditions, including cancer. One contributing factor is exposure to the carcinogenic chemicals that are contained in many traditional cleaning products. When green products are used, this reduces health risks and provides a work environment that is free from these types of toxins.
If you’re wondering when to look for a janitorial service, chances are you’ve already decided that your office could be cleaner. When looking at the different types of cleaning services, be sure to choose one that provides green cleaning services and microfiber cleaning technology.