Being a professional in the business world, you know the scenario all too well: how to make the most of your marketing budget and reach as many consumers as possible. This is a constant challenge, since many consumers feel like every time they turn around they are met with another sales pitch. How do you reach them without turning them off? What is the best marketing approach for your business?
This is a tricky situation. Particularly in this day and age–now, with digital marketing, the selling follows consumers everywhere they go. On mobile devices, billboards, kiosks, flat screens…even skywriters get in on the sales action sometimes.
But remember, at the end of the day, when work is finished these consumers eventually go home. There, they can take a deep breath and regroup, and start to filter out all the stimulation of the day. One of the most common things that consumers do at this time of day is to sort through the mail.
This may be an avenue for you to consider as you think about advertising your business: if you mail a consumer your advertisement, they will be holding your information directly in their hands. This is a one-on-one relationship, from you to that consumer. This is direct mail marketing.
Direct mail marketing and direct mailers are a fantastic resource for your advertising needs. You mail your information to your potential customer, and they have it right in front of them. In fact, 80% of consumers open their direct mail immediately.
And direct mail marketing is popular among consumers: it is preferred by 54% of customers and thought to be the most trustworthy way of marketing by 56% of consumers.
And direct mail marketing produces results for you, the business person. Customers respond to direct mail marketing–40% have made a purchase withing three months of receiving a campaign in the mail. There is a direct relationship between direct mail marketing and an increase in sales, particularly in relation to email marketing campaigns. On the average, direct mail campaign responses generate 37x the results.
So, the next time you reassess your marketing needs and your marketing strategy, and when you decide you want to stretch your marketing dollars, you might want to consider the direct mail marketing strategy…then see the results for yourself!