Local search optimization is being talked about more frequently as more consumers use search engines on their mobile internet device to locate services. Local search seo differs from traditional SEO because information and websites appear differently on mobile phones and tablets. At the same time and for similar reasons small business SEO services are becoming more sought after. Most web users report that a poorly optimized web page is a huge point of frustration and a reason to take their business elsewhere. That frustration does not dwindle for small Mom and Pop businesses. Perhaps these businesses have never heard of an SEO firm or if they have, they might not know if an affordable SEO company exists.
For companies interested in local search optimization, they could potentially benefit from hiring a complete search marketing company instead of seeking help just in the one facet of local search optimization . A search marketing company will create a complete package including a local search optimization plan, promotions and a marketing plan. Of course, every business is different as are their needs. It is just something I have been thinking about.
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