From the use of safe paint removal options to the installations of an eco friendly wood floor, there are many ways that even the average everyday home owner can keep their home as environmentally friendly as possible. As you are likely to know, we all have a responsibility to our planet, and it is important to make even small changes in how we do things, particularly regarding the upkeep of our homes, especially when it comes to the natural point in time of making changes and renovations. Though many may not at first see the full impact that they can have, it is important to note that even small changes can have a considerably larger impact than most people realize.
For instance, switching the toilets in your home wot dual flush technology and dual flush products. Though we do not often give much thought to our plumbing – unless, of course, something is going wrong – it can be shocking to find out how much water is unnecessarily wasted every single day. For instance, every single person in the United States uses an average of nearly ninety gallons of water every single day. Not only is this far from environmentally sound, it’s far from cost efficient, as the typical household in the United States will spend up to one thousand dollars yearly on water costs alone. However, switching to an alternative toilet system and Energy Star certified products could save the average family more than one hundred dollars every year and, not without note, thirteen thousand gallons of water.
The utilization of safe paint removal products is another way that families can make the switch to becoming more environmentally friendly. Now, you may ask – what do I need with safe paint removal products if I’m not planning on undertaking any painting projects in the near future? Unfortunately, some of the paint already existing in your home may be far from healthy and can even be dangerous to your health. Using safe paint removal products can eliminate that paint so that you are able to replace it with an eco friendly alternative.
Though when we talk about pollution we mainly refer to pollutants in the outdoors, there are pollutants in our homes as well. A typical person in the United States will spend as much as ninety percent of their day indoors, where there is a higher concentration of pollutants than many of us realize – as much as five times higher than the concentration of the same pollutants in the outdoor spaces we frequent. Unfortunately, the most susceptible people to these pollutants, such as young babies and children and older adults, as well as the very ill who often have weakened immune systems, are often the populations that spend the most time indoors or do not have as much access to outdoor spaces. Unortunately, in recent years the concentration of pollutants in our homes has been shown to be increasing, even with the utilization of safe paint removal products as well as other tactics, like using natural building materials and keeping indoor spaces likely to be contaminated by pollutants as well ventilated as possible.
There are a number of things we can do to keep our homes as healthy and energy efficient as possible with as little wasted as possible. For instance, the utilization of safe paint removal products can help us to clear pollutants from our home, though safe paint removal products cannot do the job completely. Dual flush toilets are another option geared towards environmentally friendly living practices with the added bonus of the saving the home owner who installs such a toilet a considerable amount of money on their water bills alone.