As the nation waits to see what the implications are for the Trump’s choice for the Secretary of Education selection, it seems more crucial than ever to understand the importance of education in this country. As Betsy DeVos begins to reveal her agenda many across the nation double down on their priority of making sure that the importance of education does not get lost. And while many look toward higher institutions of learning as the real breeding ground for corporate success and a strong work force, still others emphasis the importance of education by supporting the continuing, and challenging, mission of providing strong public education classrooms from kindergarten through high school graduation.
Educational Attainment Is Measured Differently at Different Levels
Education is the one thing that every American knows about. In fact, because of their previous experiences, many Americans feel as if they are experts in what should be going on in the classrooms across the country, especially those at the closets local school.
The fact of the matter is, however, that education, and the ways to evaluate success, can vary greatly depending on the age of the students. for kindergarteners who are just getting started in their lifelong education, for instance, success can initially be as simple as learning to function successfully and respectfully in an environment away from home. To a college student who is pursuing a degree in economic development, however, the real measure of success may be getting a job with a salary that will enable that graduate to live on his own forever, without the financial assistance of parents.
Education is indeed a life long process, and it is essential to the growth and development of every thriving community. From the public classrooms for the youngest of learners to the university courses that provide learning environments to those who have been in the work force for years, the education that a community can offer learners of all ages can be a major factor in a community’s success and future.
- Leaders that focus on upgrading an economic development strategy for their communities understand that it is important to focus on public elementary schools, as well as continuing educational opportunities for those in the work force.
- Institutions that focus on the importance of education know that these new skills should be made available in affordable and convenient settings in order for a community to stay vibrant.
- Fewer than 20% of adults across all age groups are entrepreneurs. This could change with more educational business opportunities.
- Educational attainment is a process that can and should continue throughout life. In today’s world where new research and new technology provides a variety of opportunities, it is especially important to make sure that communities find a way to keep their members far ahead of any new learning curve.
- Long term financial goals are important, and research indicates that over the course of their careers, college graduates earn an average of 65% more than high school graduates.
- One way to make sure that you remain a vital part of the work force is to seek out continuing education offerings.
- Nearly 69% of businesses now start in the home. Furthermore, 59% of established businesses more than three and a half years old continue to operate from home.
- Getting a college degree can help you reach financial stability.
- Learning can take place in a formal classroom or in many other environments.
- Everyone in a community benefits when residents value education.
- As soon as you find a job it is important to be looking ahead for the next opportunities to continue your education.
- Research indicates that 77% of people believe that education will increase ?America?s ability to compete successfully in the global economy;? 76% of people believe that education will increase ?the likelihood that young people can get good jobs in the future;? and 75% of people believe that education will make ?our communities safer and better places to live.?
- No one is ever too old to benefit from education.
- Educational offerings at work benefit the entire company.
- Realizing that providing your employees with growth opportunities is a benefit can help your company stand out from other employers.
- Students who are empowered are learners who will always succeed, in the classroom and on the job site.