Respect for veterans, the flag, and this country took center stage again this weekend. As the nation honored the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, individuals and groups across America found ways to honor those who served and rescued and those who lost their lives on this nation’s largest attack on our own soil.
And, to the dismay of many, while most were finding a way to honor America, its veterans, and its flags, some NFL players were doing the exact opposite. Sitting, rather than standing, during the playing of the national anthem of the NFL games around the country has become a protest that has sparked both controversy and anger.
At a time where the country seems to be divided on many issues, from the Presidential election to paying respect for the national anthem, perhaps it is a good time to take a step back and find a way to give to causes that can always use support. During this second full week of September when the nation continues to argue about everything from the mental and physical health of the Presidential candidates to whether or not freedom of speech should extend to paid professional athletes, finding a noncontroversial way to support those in need can be a breath of fresh air. Giving to veterans clothing donations drives and other such charities can make an immediate difference in the lives of many.
Perhaps it is time to turn off the television for a few hours, leave the controversy behind, and clean out a closet, a drawer, or a cupboard in search of items that can be given to veterans clothing donations agencies.
How Often Does Your Family Contribute to Veterans Clothing Donations?
Helping families in need, especially helping military families, is one way that Americans can show their support for this country without offending anyone. Fortunately, in the year 2014, the total giving to charitable organizations was $358.38 billion. This number represents everything from monetary donations to the value of donated items. Unfortunately, in 2014, and every year for that matter, Americans send 10.5 million tons of clothing to landfills. Clothing and textiles that could certainly be put to a better purpose then filling up the nation’s landfills.
When cleaning out closets, dressers, and cupboards for veterans clothing donations it is important to remember that every unused item can serve a purpose. Sure, it is easy to imagine that an unworn, but quality, coat could be used by someone in need, but did you also know that even unwearable items can be donated? For instance, many donated products are given new life in developing nations where individuals purchase used American goods for pennies of their original price.
In fact, more than 14.3 million tons of donated American textiles help clothe people and families worldwide. Some companies like GreenDrop concentrate their efforts on keeping used textiles and other items out of America’s increasingly crowded landfills, Each week, in fact, GreenDrop prevents as many as 100 tons of used clothes, electronics and household goods from landfills. Many of these salvaged products are given a new life in a variety of ways. At the very least, textiles can be recycled and used for other purposes. These other purposes support an industry which also employs many workers. A win win for everyone involved.
Everyone Can Make a Difference in Solving America’s Challenges
Watching the television on a Monday morning after the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11 can be both moving and depressing. While much of the coverage focuses on the memorials that were held and the service that was performed, local and national news agencies can also get caught up in all that is wrong in this nation. A tumultuous Presidential election, protesting professional athletes, and other stories can make Americans fear the future of this great country. Instead of focusing on the negative, however, maybe it is time that you instead focused on something positive that you can do to help the greater good in this country.
Cleaning out your house of unused and no longer wanted clothing and household items is one thing that you can do to positively contribute to the needs of others. Wounded veterans charities can use your donated items.