Many industries rely on specific weights and measurements. From the work that goes on in chemistry labs across the country to the load cell calibration that is used to determine the strength of carious parts in large machines, torque wrench measurements and other kinds of measurement tools are very important. Engineers, scientists, mechanics, and many other professionals, in fact, are dependent on the exact measurements that are provided by torque wrench measurements, load cell sensors, and other measurement devices.
If you are someone who has to be very detailed orientated at work then you likely are someone who relies on specific kinds of industry measurements. From the factory floors where automobiles are made to the production lines that make the tools that provide torque wrench measurements, there are many times when having exact measurements is important.
Measurement Services Help Keep Work Places Safe and Produce Reliable Equipment and Tools
Under the hood of all the vehicles that we drive and beneath the roads that we travel, there is an entire industry that is tasked with creating the safest of all products. And when you are using equipment and tools at work you are also relying on the dependability of those products. Fortunate, with the latest advancement in torque wrench measurements and other specific kinds of train gaging services, the products that we use, both large and small, are as tested and safe.
Consider these facts and figures about the many times when specific measurements and calibrations are needed to make sure that a product or service is completed correctly:
- Developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), these listed parameters define, establish, and maintain an effective quality assurance system for service and manufacturing industries. For example, ISO9000 and many other standards specify the maximum period between recalibration as once every two years. More frequent calibration is needed if the instrument deterioration is significant during that period, this is condition that is typically more than 1%.
- Calibrating an instrument involves comparing the measurements of two instruments: one instrument with a known magnitude or correctness standard device, against another instrument that is used to measure the unit under test.
- Strain gauge type load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells, and ring type load cells are the five types of the load cells. The choice of which on is dependent on the primary and secondary element that is used to sense the force.
- Load cells are frequently used as part of a weighing system as they offer highly accurate, non-intrusive load measurement data, with properly installed and calibrated load cells routinely achieving accuracies of 0.03% to 1%, depending on load cell type.
- Different kinds of load cells operate differently, but hydraulic load cells are designed to operate at temperatures of -60 degrees C, which is the equivalent to -76 degrees F.
- Load cell and torque sensors units, in comparison, are designed to operate in a wide temperature range of -452 degrees F to 450 degrees F.
- Invented by Conrad Bahr in 1918 while working for the New York City Water Department, a torque wrench is a tool used to precisely apply a specific torque to a fastener such as a nut or bolt.
- Custom torque sensors exceeding the calibration limit are exercised to their nominal capacity, but are only calibrated to 360,000 pounds per inch.
- An electrochemical fatigue crack sensor system, a process that is used in many industries, can detect cracks in the field as small as 0.01 inches in an actual structure.
As a technology is very well established and has been proven for more than 40 years., most load cells use strain gauge technology. What measurement and strain gaging techniques are used in your industry? Does work in your manufacturing plant rely on very specific kinds of measurement of torque, tension, and strain? If the safety of your workers and the reliability of your products and services dependent to the latest technology that is available, it is important to make sure that you are contracting with the best providers available. Every time someone drives a car, travels, a road, or enters a building, they are relying on the safety and accuracy of many measurements.R