These are the best of times.
These are the worst of times.
Although these lines were written many years ago in a memorable novel, there are words that still ring true. In America today, we live in times when there are some people who living lives bigger than any dreams that they ever had. At the same time, however, there are also a number of people who living lives of desperation. In a state of desperation for knowing that they will have money to make it until the end of the month. Money for food. Money for shoes when their son’s feet had a growth spurt just before the end of the school year.
Fortunately, there are services in place to help bridge the gap between the people who are having the best of times and the worst of times. From organizations that help with charity clothing pick up service to other groups that work to help wounded Veterans charities, the fate of many people depend on the help of others and their generosity. Consider some of these facts and figures about charities in the country and the impact that they have on the lives of those in need as well as the nation’s economy:
- Giving both househole donations and clothing donations are ways to make a difference in the complicated world that we now live in.
- 70% of social media users indicate that they would take some kind of action in response to a friend posting a story about making a charitable donation, so it may be important to share with your friends the charities that you support.
- $358.38 billion was the total amount given to charitable organizations in the year 2014.
- Smart givers make sure that they support groups that are granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Nearly 43% of those surveyed indicated that they gave more during the holidays than the rest of the year. Slightly more, 44% reported giving about the same amount.
From helping military families to making sure that charity clothing pick ups happen on time, there are a number of organizations that help connect those who are living a full life to those to those who are in need of much.