Signage is very important to get people into your business. At least 35% of consumers say that they only found the business they were looking for because they saw a sign out front. Moreover, when businesses add or change up the look of their sign, research shows their revenue goes up. Just making a sign bigger can cause a company to bring in about 7.7% more in revenue. Using electronic business signs can make more people notice you.
- Make your message simple. When you are dealing with any kind of marketing materials, it is important to keep messages short and sweet. You do not have a lot of time to get your message across to people who will view it. It has been found that when people are looking at websites, they will give a page three seconds or less to load before abandoning it to look elsewhere for what they need. The same principle is the same for signage for businesses. Only include the most important information on your signs.
- Think about who you are trying to reach. When you are thinking about putting up electronic business signs, you need to think about who your target audience is. Some of this means you need to think about who buys your products or can benefit from the services you offer. Next, you need to think about how the people will be traveling past your sign. Will they be driving? Are you looking for foot traffic? Are you looking for people driving and walking by to see your signs? These are important questions to answer when you are designing your electronic signs for businesses.
- Pay attention to the location. Your electronic business signs need to be visible to passersby. You also need to take into consideration how the sun will impact how your signs look from the street. You should take some time to drive by your sign at different parts of the day. Take a look at it in the morning, when the sun is setting in the evening and at other times as you think you need to. You may find that by tweaking the placement of your sign so that it is always visible when it needs to be.
- Get a system to change the brightness level of your outdoor LED display. Again the sun can really make your sign hard to read even from a short distance. There are things you can do to change that. Simply turning up the brightness level may not always work as a sign that is too bright can also be hard to read. The good news is you can get a system with sensors that can change up the brightness depending on how much sunlight is reaching your signage.
- Make sure your signs work with your other marketing materials. It is important that your press materials, your website, any other fliers or materials you put out all sing from the same hymnal. Your colors need to work, the fonts need to to be the same, and the messages need to work together. If your materials do not work together, they actively work against each other.
- Change it up from time to time. One of the best parts of electronic business signs is that they can be changed on a regular basis. Unlike static signs that are painted or are set, LED displays can be changed in a matter of minutes. That means if you have special offers on different days of the week, your sign can reflect that. If you have new information you want to share with consumers, you can change your sign to include it.
- Let your creative juices flow. Keep in mind, your message on your electronic business signs can be changed all of the time. If your message does not achieve its goal, you can quickly change it. That means you can try new things.
Electronic business signs open companies up to a number of new options for spreading the word about their products and services. People read the signs they see when they are out and about. By developing creative signs for your company, you can really improve your bottom line.