It’s especially important that each employee within your workplace feels important, especially your boss. In fact, statistics show that 86% of businesses that implement employee recognition programs report seeing an increase in overall worker happiness. That being said, bosses can sometimes feel left out in regards to receiving gifts of appreciation from fellow colleagues. Considering that, it’s important that employees let their bosses know how much they are appreciated. With that in mind, here are three great ways to reward your boss.
- Give Your Boss an Award
Your boss probably puts in a lot of work in order to lead a department. With that in mind, you might feel that giving out the best boss award is the perfect way to reward your manager. Receiving the best boss award is a gift that lets someone know how well they are doing in leading the company they work for. You’ll find that there is usually a wide range of best boss awards to choose from. If you don’t want to give your boss an actual award, crystal thank you gifts are also great ideas. - A Plaque of Appreciation
In some cases, your boss will be celebrating his final year with the company. Eventually, the day will arrive in which your boss retires. In fact, statistics show that the average age that employees retire is when they reach 63 years old. Considering that, a retirement award is a great way to tell your boss how much he or she has been appreciated throughout the years. For instance, many employees reward their bosses with crystal plaques. These plaques are made of clear crystal and can be engraved to include either a template message on one of your own. - Miniature Desktop Zen Garden
Sometimes, the role of being a boss can seem overwhelming. With that in mind, you might want to consider purchasing a gift for your boss that helps them manage their stress. Considering that, a desktop zen garden makes for a perfect gift for your boss. These gardens aren’t the kind that you’re likely imagining. Instead, a zen garden is a small type of sandbox that includes a miniature combing device. Numerous studies have found that the process of working on a zen garden has been shown to reduce stress levels.
In closing, there are several great ways to reward your boss for his or her hard work. Statistics gathered from a 2015 Psychometric study found that 58% of those surveyed felt leaders could increase engagement by giving employees recognition. If you want to recognize the hard work that your boss continues to do, there are several ways to accomplish this. The best boss award is of the most popular ways to show your boss that you care. In addition, these awards can be engraved with the name of your boss which makes this gift even more thoughtful. If you’re wanting to engrave a personalized message that isn’t on an award, it’s wise to consider crystal appreciation plagues.