No matter what type of workplace you operate from or run, whether it be a standard corporate office building or an industrial facility, accidents happen. In fact, some accidents are quite common. For instance, fires in the workplace happen all the time. In fact, the Bureau of Labor statistics estimates that fires cause about 10,000 employee injuries and up to 200 employee deaths every year. In an office environment, this could lead to the cancellation of the workday, decreased productivity, prolonged health risks from ash, smoke, and heat, as well as other dangers. In industrial environments, especially ones that deal in volatile materials, the danger is even greater.
This, along with the possibility of other workplace emergencies, is a great reason why it is so important to have mass notification systems for your employees and staff. Increasingly, employee communications of this ilk are being dealt with by using mass text messaging software, and here is why that is the best and most appropriate system:
People Look at Their Cellphones
The fact is that people, including your employees, always have their cell phones on them. Some employers might look down on this fact, but it is not going to change anytime soon. Instead of condemning it, employers would do better to encourage the useful application of things like a text based mass alert system, which is more likely to elicit an immediate response than anything else.
People Respond to Texts Quickly
Quick response time is the main reason why an emergency mass notification system is best executed through text messaging. With a succinct, easily read messages that reach each employee on their personal devices, your employees are more likely to have an immediate and appropriate response to a workplace emergency.
People Can Be Reached Wherever They Are
The last and best benefit of reaching your employees via text message alert is that you are likely to reach them wherever they are. Although most people have smartphones, not everyone has one, so e-mail is not the best system. Make sure all of your employees have cell phones, and text alerts will be practically guaranteed to reach them.
Aa emergency mass notification system for your employees is essential, and text messaging is the best way to do it.