Industry today is often based on the application of heat to do work, such as melting metals to form specialized alloys, or else melting glass or other materials to reshape them. Even in everyday life, heating is critical, such as for welding on the job or cooking in the home. Induction melting often makes use of an inuction heating coil, which can rapidly heat itself with electromagnetic currents (as opposed to an external heat source like with conduction heating), and an inuction heating coil may be found on a small scale, such as the burner on an electric stove in the home, or a bigger scale, like an inuction heating coil (or an array of them) melting raw ores or metals in a factory to forge new items, weld metals together, or form alloys. An induction furnace itself may need maintenance, though; regular inspections by professionals can ensure that nothing is damaged or melted, and a busted inuction heating coil might bring a whole factory to a halt until it is fixed. Spare parts may be used to get a machine back online and doing its work. Steel melting can be made easy when an industrial inuction heating coil is in good shape and running hot.
Why Use Induction Heating Equipment?
Given how much steel is produced and traded between developed nations today, and how critical it is to have proper metal alloys forged for various industries, it is easy to see why induction heating coils are vital for today’s mechanical world. Steel is a good place to start. As of 2017, worldwide production of crude steel reached 1.69 billion tonnes, which represents a 3.9% increase from that of 2016, and nearly half of this steel is dedicated to buildings and infrastructure, with other steel going toward cars and trucks, cutlery, surgical equipment, and more. In fact, 13% of all steel goes to the automotive industry worldwide, meaning that nations like the United States, Germany, China, and Japan have endless need for this metal. The United States is the single biggest importer; as of 2017, that nation had imported $27 billion worth of it. Canada and China are two of the biggest sources for the American appetite for steel; 17% of all imported steel comes from Canada, and China sends a huge 88% of all of its produced steel to the United States in the year 2016. Steel, copper, nickel, tungsten, and many other metals together will be melted in factories for work.
Metal alloys are another reason to use and inuction heating coil. Some metals such as steel do not have the specific properties needed for their intended work, and in some environments, extremes of heat, pressure, cold, salinity, or chemicals will erode and degrade regular metals like steel. For this reason, specialized alloys are formulated and then produced, and their metals, and the percentages of those metals, result in alloys impervious to their work conditions. An alloy may be needed for a tough but flexible metal bellows, for example, whose contents are under constant pressure and heat, and other metals would rupture if they attempted that work. Metal pipes or bellows might be found underwater, and these metals will need to be made from the right alloys to resist corrosion from the salty water. Similarly, chemical plants will need specialized alloys for their components like valves and metal bellows, and the alloy’s composition will be tailor-made to resist the chemicals and their properties. The components in vehicle engines, such as those of aircraft, large sea vessels, or trains may need heat and pressure resistant alloys.
Any good inuction heating coil or other industrial furnace piece will need its own maintenance and repair done so that it does not break down, or else expensive damage may happen to the machine and the entire facility might be halted in its work until repairs are done, and that lost productivity can be costly. Regular inspections and maintenance can keep any heating coils and melting furnaces in good shape, and problems can be diagnosed early before they cause any damage. Investing in new parts or a good repair job can keep any factory or furnace running smoothly and producing the melted steel or alloys that other sectors need.