This Thursday will be one of the few days when the drivers of the city will have a break from all of the construction. In fact, the temporary road construction barricades and the temporary traffic diversion bridges may even be shut down for two full days, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving. And while everyone wants the road construction projects around the city to be finished, most people want to make sure that even the busiest construction workers get some time off with their families for the holidays.
In the same way that drivers want to make sure that their roads get completed in a timely manner, the public also realizes that the safety of the workers is important. From getting the occasional day off for the holidays to the signs for temporary road construction and the various types of shoring for excavation projects, protecting the workers and the job site is important.
When Was the Last Time That You Were Stuck in Traffic Because of a Construction Project?
Before a construction project begins, many structures have to be put into place. Trench shoring boxes must be measured for and put into place and temporary road construction plans have to be made. Consider some of these facts and figures about the bridge and road construction projects that take place across America:
- the U.S. has 600,000 bridges.
- Simple and multiple are the two basic types of benching. Which type is used is dependent upon the kind of soil, which will also determine the horizontal to vertical ratio of the benched side.
- Aluminum hydraulic and timber are the two basic types of shoring.
- 200 million trips are taken every day across deficient bridges in the nation?s 102 largest metropolitan regions.
- While the average age of the nation?s 607,380 bridges is currently 42 years, one in nine of the nation?s bridges are rated as structurally deficient.
- In addition to installing the trenching itself, it is also important to make sure that the air in the trench is safe. Tests for atmospheric hazards, such as low oxygen levels or the presence of hazardous fumes and toxic gases, is required in trenches that are more than four feet deep.
As the holiday weekend arrives, many construction crews will be working long hours in preparation for enjoying a much needed four day weekend.