From conex containers to the industrial shipping containers, storage containers have an important purpose the world over. Transporting goods from one place to the next is crucial, not just here in the United States but in all corners of the Earth as well. Trade is an essential part of life as we know it, and the use of conex containers and the like help to make it a reality. After all, without conex containers and other industrial shipping methods, how would we ever move goods effectively and efficiently from one place to the next? In short, we wouldn’t be able to, at least not in the way that we can today.
But what happens to these conex containers (and the like) when they are done being used? Well, some of them will get lost en route to one destination or the next. It’s even estimated that up to five hundred conex containers and other such shipping containers end up lost at sea each and every year. But for up to twenty four million empty shipping containers, sitting around and contributing to waste ends up becoming a reality after only a short overall period of use (typically ten to fifteen years before being officially retired). But since shipping containers and conex containers have been known to last up to twenty years or even more when given the proper care, what can we do with all of these shipping containers and conex containers that are simply lying around and being wasted – contributing to the ever growing problem of waste accumulation not only here in the United States but all around the world as well.
Well, shipping containers and conex containers can be turned into modular homes and even modular office buildings and other such modular structures with relative ease. For one, shipping containers are incredibly long lasting and require relatively little maintenance compared to the typical home. They can also be built without the need for a foundation, thus eliminating many of the costs of the traditional home building process. But just because the average modular home or office building made out of conex containers and the like is built without a foundation does not mean that it is not strong. In fact, such modular homes have been found to be able to withstand winds of up to one hundred miles per hour, a truly impressive amount by any standards. And if the modular home is anchored with pylons, it’s resistance to wind becomes even more impressive, as it will now be able to withstand winds that reach speeds of up to one hundred and seventy five miles per hour. In areas that are prone to hurricanes or tornadoes (or even both), such as structure will be very much an asset to whoever lives in it. Such structures are also mobile and stackable, making them suitable to a wide variety of uses, from the family seeking a two story house to the home owner that is looking for a home that they can take with them everywhere that they go.
On top of the intense durability that conex containers provide when they are converted into modular buildings, such conex containers are also able to be converted into homes and other such buildings relatively quickly, especially when compared to the length of the typical construction process of a home or another such building. This is because such modular construction can mainly be completed in a factory setting, making the structure easy to set up once it reaches its final destination. In fact, it is estimated that it will only take about one week to two weeks in total for many modular homes to be fully constructed and ready to move into, impressive and ideal for families who are in desperate need of a home for whatever reason.
And the popularity of such modular construction is on the rise as more and more people begin to see its vast benefits and very few down sides. From recycling old conex containers to providing durable and long lasting homes for many, modular construction is very important.