Recycling is truly one of our best tools. There are simply too many materials out there just waiting to be looked at from a different angle. Just take a look at shipping containers!
Originally designed to transport several different products and materials, they’ve since been reimagined as the newest eco-friendly strategy. They can be transformed into an on-the-spot office for a construction project. They can be used as a refurbished studio space or a portable cafe that moves with the trends. You name it, a shipping container will provide you a little bit of everything in one handy package. How does it all work?
Buy used shipping containers for your next eco-friendly project on a deadline. Here are five solid features you’ll gain when you make the switch.
Shipping Containers Are Low Cost And Low Maintenance
The most appealing aspect of used shipping containers for sale is how affordable they are. There are over 17 million shipping containers around the world, with just six million being used on a regular basis. Just buying a few will set you up with a long-lasting resource that can be turned into a cafe, an office, a studio…you name it! According to a recent report by Container Auction, a shipping container taken care of with regular maintenance will last for 20 years. That’s a pretty solid way to get your money back.
Eco Friendly Building Methods Go A Long Way In Today’s Society
It’s not enough to think green. You need to act green. Used shipping containers for sale are a great way to cut into expensive construction costs and create a healthier world for all to live in. Each recycled shipping container reuses around 3,500kg worth of steel. This whittles down the need to rely on finite materials like wood, bricks, and mortar.
You Can Take Your Mobile Office On-The-Go
Do you work in an extremely dynamic industry? You’ll want resources that are just as flexible as you are. The portable concession stand has fast become the most effective way of conducting business, whether it’s a clothes shop downtown or a food truck always on the move. Today around 50% of all used shipping containers for sale are owned by shipping lines, with the vast majority manufactured in China. Some of the world’s biggest containers are at 1,300 feet long.
Climate Controlled Containers Are Comfortable To Work In
You don’t have to worry about used shipping containers for sale being too cheap to work. Designed with stainless steel and able to weather the elements, these containers are a prime choice for conserving energy. The average individual workstation today has shrunk from 80 square feet in 1992 to just 40 square feet this year. This is done in response to an increasing population and a changing perspective on a ‘traditional office environment’. Shipping containers are tough creations and can more than retain an ideal temperature.
Shipping Containers Are Still Plentiful And Waiting To Be Used
There’s no need to worry about running out of used shipping containers for sale. While around 675 shipping containers are lost at sea every year, there are still millions just waiting to be used. Today 95% of the world’s cargo moves by ship, with higher costs forcing companies to take more financially strategic routes. To reiterate: your standard TEU container can hold 3,500 shoe boxes, save you 3,500kg worth of steel, and last for 20 years. Sound like a match made in heaven?
Jump on this bandwagon and enjoy the ride. Used shipping containers for sale are here to stay.