From in-plan modular offices to the warehouse office, there are many economical and environmentally friendly ways in which we can reduce our overall waste that is produced – as well as save money in the long run (and even in the short run). It also provides a way for us to reuse the shipping containers that are in such of a surplus currently. In fact, as many as (more than, even) five hundred shipping containers are lost at sea each and every year all around the world. And on top of this, there are so many more thousands of shipping containers that exist but are not ever actually used. The building and construction of things and places such as any in-plan modular offices and even warehouse partitioning systems can help us to reuse materials in a way that is not only efficient and effective, but that leaves a hugely positive impact on the environment as well and does not additionally contribute to the growing problem of waste that is so prevalent not only here in the United States, but in a huge and growing number of places all around the world as a whole as well.
And such modular construction for in-plan modular offices can have a wide variety of applications and purposes. Aside from the construction of the in-plan modular offices, other modular constructions include clean room partitioning systems, medical facilities (which make up as much as forty nine percent of all medical buildings in the United States), dorms and other such college buildings (which currently make up more than forty percent – forty two percent – of all modular construction in the country of the United States alone), and other such manufacturing facilities (which make up another forty two percent of modular construction applications in the United States). The method of modular construction for in-plan modular offices, aside from being used to construct the modular in-plant office, is also increasingly being used for the construction of various hotel building all throughout the United States and even far beyond it as well, particularly as methods of modular construction continues to grow and evolve in other areas of this, our planet. In fact, the hotel chain of the Marriott alone funneled more than ten percent of their resources into modular construction and have been making more and more of a commitment to increasing their modular building practices, which can not only save them money but are also likely to reduce their environmental footprint overall, will has been making them likely to draw in a larger customer base. And now, even more than eighty percent of contractors and as many as ninety percent of all engineers now use, at least to some extent, methods of modular construction at some point in their work, even if they do not yet use it extensively. Add on to this the fact that more than seventy five percent of all architects now work with modular construction to some extent and it is easy to see how modular construction – such as is used in the construction of the modular in-plant office – has been growing over the course of time, particularly in the past few recent years.
And the use of modular construction and modular construction practices for in-plan modular offices has many definable benefits. For instance, modular construction methods for in-plan modular offices use considerably less waste than other more traditional methods of construction. In fact, data shows that the use of waste materials such as but certainly not limited to wood pallets, shrink warp, and cardboard, can be reduced by as much as ninety percent, which is certainly as far as possible from being an insignificant number. Modular construction, such as can be used in the process of constructing a modular in-plant office, is also much speedier than typical methods of construction. Data even shows that the process of modular construction can take even only just a few weeks – around nineteen days – to fully construct a quality structure, something that regular construction methods are simply not able to do under the vast majority of circumstances. Modular construction matters, and it is becoming more and more regular and accepted as a construction model of the future.