Directional drilling is a process that allows the drilling of an underground well at a right angle to the surface. Different companies commonly use directional drilling in oil and gas extraction, water pumping, geothermal energy production, and mineral exploration. Here’s how directional rock drilling companies direct rock boring equipment to steer the drill bit as described in the video.
Most drilling machines have an automatic steering system to guide the equipment. The drill machine is the first component the companies steer.
With automatic steering, the device runs based on rotational speeds, measurements of directional movement, and so forth. When the bi-rotary table is in the straight position, there is more bearing pressure, and more force is needed to move it into a turn or curve direction.
The second aspect is the boring tool. The tools and systems drive the boring tool. This component is usually a bi-rotary table with teeth that can move horizontally, turning the drill bit through a curve. The steering systems and devices use rotational speed, bearing pressure, and other measurements to calculate how much force to apply so that the machine can turn or dive into a turn direction.
When steering these components, there are a few other factors directional rock drilling companies consider. The first factor is to be aware of the type of drilled rock. Another critical factor is hydrostatic pressure, a strong push of liquid pressing against the boring tool as it progresses through the rock. All these, along with the direction of the bore, determine the direction of drilling projects.
To sum up, directional rock drilling companies steer the machine, tools, and boring tools to navigate through rocks and quagmires. However, project managers must ensure their equipment is drilled safely and efficiently before sending it into any project.