If you want to start a fence company, be prepared for a lot of work and a big learning curve. You may have a lot of experience installing, maintaining, and repairing, fences, but you also need to know how to run a business. This video will explain some of the biggest things you can do for yourself to start a fence company.
The first thing you need to do is choose a brand name. You need something original so you don’t run into legal problems with other companies with the same name. You can check with your local authorities to find out. Make sure it accurately represents your company and the services you provide.
The next thing to do is consult a business lawyer. They can help you organize the company for your particular situation. They can also help you with other things on the list, such as checking to see if your chosen brand name is already taken. They will be able to guide you to other resources for insurance and accounting, too.
Speaking of, make sure you have all of the insurance you need. Liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, and property insurance are all a good place to start. For more information, check out the video above.