Owning and operating a successful business, regardless of the products or services offered, is a business in and of itself and requires a great deal of time, energy, money, and even a bit of luck. Fortunately, today’s business owners have a variety of adverting and marketing tools and resources at their disposable, with internet marketing practices being among the most common.
While having a solid online presence is absolute must for today’s businesses, it’s important for business owners to remember that older, more traditional methods of advertising and marketing can still be effective. This is especially true when modern and traditional practices are combined to support each other and reinforce the brand’s messaging. A great example of this is business signs for windows.
Business signs for windows are an excellent way for brick and mortar businesses to reinforce their online presence and brand messaging. It’s like not only hitting a home run, but knocking it way out of the park in a sold out game. All custom retail displays, from free standing signs, to metal sign holders, to price tags , and everything in between should be cohesive in reflecting established brand guidelines. In other words, everything should look like it belongs aesthetically and visually together. Supporting brand guidelines through signage, including business signs for windows, can be a highly effective and powerful way to drive brand recognition.
Here a few ways businesses can get the most out of their signs for windows.
Keep it simple
Pedestrians and driver’s should be able to clearly and easily read signage displayed in a business’s window. Including additional graphics, imagery, and effects can actually do more harm than good in terms of readability. The message should include simple, yet eye catching text that is easily read and processed. A call to action can be a great way to further encourage patronage.
Keep it short
Longer messaging and content should be reserved to printed and digital material, not for signs for windows. Keep the message short in order to maximize its impact and efficacy. The point is to drive the message home, not to make viewers feel as though they are reading an article or essay!
Keep it consistent
Using multiple typefaces and colors can negatively impact readability, therefore deterring otherwise interested patrons. Keep the number of typefaces, colors, and graphics to a minimum in order to creative the most effective signs for windows. This is true of both digital and printed or vinyl window signs. Remember to always remain true to the brand’s established guidelines for maximum impact and engagement.