When it comes to protecting your water tank, many people still encounter numerous challenges especially in terms of choosing the right tank liners. What many people still don’t know is that to enhance the product life of the tank, it is not only the exterior that needs protection from adverse conditions. You also need to think about the interior of the tank. Tanks are used for the storage of substances such as water, beer or even petrochemicals. Depending on the substances in storage, the tanks require different levels of protection. There are substances that will require an extra level of protection especially on the surface of the tank that is in direct contact with the substance being stored. To achieve this extra protection, you need to have the right tank liners for water systems. The tank liners for water systems are designed in such a manner that they are chemical resistant, can function under adverse temperature conditions and be applied over substrates. Having the right tank liners for water systems can save you on the cost of having to replace your water tank down the line after possible damage. It is assumed the cost of installing tank liners for water systems is only a small percentage of the total cost of buying new plating tanks. There are so many tank liners for water systems to choose from giving buyers the option of choosing the best. You can have a chemical liner, plating tank liners, electroless nickel tank liners, gas tank liner, industrial tank liners or heavy-duty flexible tank liners. Below is a guide on how to choose the right tank liners for water systems.
Consider the Purpose of the Tank Before Choosing a Liner
Even before you start the process of choosing a tank liner, you should first evaluate the specific purpose of the tank. This should be the basis on which you choose a tank liner. There are two major purposes for tanks that will ultimately influence the type of liner you choose. You can either have water tank liner or cargo tank liner. Just as the name suggests, water tank liners are used in tanks that transport water and raw waste products. It is important that when choosing liners for water tanks, the liners should under no circumstances contaminate the water. The liners should equally protect the tank from corrosion. When it comes to tanks that transport waste material, the liners should be chemical-resistant in order to ensure that the product life of the tanks is guaranteed. For cargo tanks liners, it is expected that the product being transported by such kind of tanks constantly changes. This means that the tank will be exposed to different cargo including harmful substances. For this reason, the tank liners should be corrosion-resistant while at the same time being highly versatile to allow flexible change of substances without any possibility of contamination. The liners should be easy to clean such that the previously transported substances do not contaminate new cargo.
How to Choose the Right Tank Liners
Knowing the right tank liner for your project is easier said than done. This is because; the process should be guided by a number of factors for you to choose the best tank liner for the project. When making your decision, you need to first take into consideration what the tank will be storing. It could be that the tank is storing water, chemicals or even foodstuff. Each of these substances requires different storage needs. You also need to factor in the period under which the substance will be in storage. There are certain tank liners that are designed to store substances for a long period of time. There is also the issue of temperature that the liner will be exposed to. This temperature is both on the basis of environmental temperature as well as the substance temperature. Some liners can be able to withstand adverse temperature conditions while others will not last under extreme temperature. You also need to consider the local rules and regulations that apply to water liners. This way, you will not be in any form of violation when choosing the best water liner for your project.