When dealing with commercial buildings, residential properties, or public buildings such as schools and hospitals, preparing for the worst case scenario and ensuring all safety measures are up to code and working properly is critical to the safety of the building and all those that enter it.
Nearly half of all high-rise fires happen in apartments, hotels, offices, and facilities that care for the sick. In medical facilities alone, over half of all fires started as cooking fires. When looking at hotels and motels, there are approximately 15 deaths and 150 injuries each year due to fires.
One of the best and most proven ways to reduce deaths and injuries caused by fires is through different types of fire protection services including hardwired alarms, smoke and heat detection, and a fire sprinkler system. Fire protection companies can provide an estimate and overview of what is needed for the size and type of structure you are interested in protecting.
Fire sprinkler installation is essential for a quick suppression of potentially damaging fires. As mentioned, a good percentage of fires start in kitchen areas. With an integrated system that includes sprinklers, those fires can be contained to the kitchen area only saving the rest of the building.
Having the proper systems installed is not the only important step. Once installed, they also need to be professionally maintained. Having a fire sprinkler repair service agreement ensures that the sprinklers are checked regularly, well-maintained, and repaired when needed.
You do not want to wait until there is a fire to find out the sprinkler system is not working as well as it should be, or that there are faulty sprinklers. Fire sprinkler repair service agreements will ensure problems are discovered before they become a potentially dangerous and life-threatening problem.
There are a variety of fire protection companies available, but it is important to go with one you feel you can trust based on their experience and knowledge. Look over all agreements and make sure your property is going to be well protected. With adequate fire protection and an ongoing service agreement, the cost of property insurance will also be less due to the decreased risk of massive fire damage.