Packaging matters. From the paper coffee bags that help promote a local coffee to the printed resealable pouches that are used for fruit and vegetables, packaging not only helps protect the inside products, but also serves as a marketing tool.
As Halloween approaches and marketing teams help companies prepare for both Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, it should come as no surprise that there are many seasonal designs that will be filling the shelves in grocery stores and other retail locations across the country. Some of the simple and clean designs that adorn high end packages can be spotted from across the store to the vibrant, fresh, and trendy designs that help market products to teenagers, packaging drives purchase decisions.
Organic Tea Packaging and Paper Coffee Bags Continue to Grow in Popularity
In a time when more and more people are concerned about the environmental footprint that they are making, there are many companies who are trying to do their part to use green products. At the same time that manufacturers are working to attract these green consumers, there are many packaging companies that continue to offer new options.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the packaging industry and how these decisions drive consumerisn:
- 40% of consumers indicate that they would share a photo of a product on social media if the packaging were interesting.
- Although it may seem like a modern movement, the concept of cold brew and iced coffee dates back as far as the 1600s in the country of Japan and the 1800s in the country of Algeria.
- In more recent history, the coffee outlets of the twentieth century began selling option that are chilled as early as the year 1965.
- 62% of Americans indicate that they read food labels.
- If consumers receive their products in premium packaging, nearly 52% of online buyers indicate that they would return to a business for another purchase.
- 85% of shoppers indicate that their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package during their shopping.
This is the time of the year when the holidays come at consumers one right after the other. As a result, many consumers will see their favorite products repackaged in holiday specific bags and pouches.