With Memorial Day?s recent passing and Independence Day soon approaching, it?s important that we keep those who?ve served our country on our minds and in our hearts. What better way to show your appreciation for our troops than to lend a helping hand to aiding veterans and our planet. When donating clothing to veterans, you are not only helping disabled veterans, but you are also helping to save the planet. Americans alone send over 10 million tons of clothing to landfills every year. These unused clothes can be used to help charity organizations that provide support to veterans and helping families in need.
When thinking of the best charities to donate to it is important to consider green charities. These are charities that are environmentally friendly and allow people to help those looking for donations. Giving donations to veterans through these types of organizations does a great service to the planet, as well as former members of our armed forces.
Donations to veterans do not only include clothing, but other household donations are warmly welcomed . Something as simple as a coffee maker can make all the difference to a veteran who is unable to work due to the sacrifices they made protecting our freedom. Most charity foundations have offices where you can drop off clothing and other goods. However, there are instances where charitable donations can be picked up to reduce the carbon footprint of having multiple people drive to one source.
After returning home from fighting overseas, many of these veterans do not have much or anything to come home to. For most, they return to a world they barley remember and find it difficult to adjust back to the way things once were. While they work to integrate themselves back into civilian life, any small gesture we can do to help those who fought for us is the patriotic thing to do. They put their lives on the line to insure our freedom and defend our rights and liberties. The least we can do is give up that coat we haven?t worn in the last two years or that blender we?ve only used once.