Manufactured home production in the United States increased by 11.6% between 2021 and 2022. This growth shows potential in real estate that you could explore to expand your business. But can a manufactured home realtor sell mobile homes? Read on to find out.
Realtors deal in real property only. Real property is any property that is attached to the land.
e.g., roads, railways, buildings, farms, minerals, ponds, canals, and landscaping can be used. Therefore, any property that is not attached to the land is considered personal property and you can sell it like other personal properties that you own.
However, if you have no previous experience selling mobile homes, you can contact a mobile home-buying company to sell the property for you. The mobile home selling company will assess the value of your property and facilitate the sale process.
There is so much more to consider when buying or selling mobile homes. Watch the video above for more valuable information on manufactured home ownership transfer.