Walls are a part of every building, and remodeling crews can be hired to knock down walls or add new ones to reorganize rooms in a structure. But in other cases, freestanding, mobile walls can be used instead. Modern modular walls and related wall systems are quite useful for making displays in an office, at a trade show, and in museums, and these modular walls can easily be rented before an event takes place. Temporary wall systems may vary somewhat in their height, length, and surface materials, so renters may want to check out these modular walls at a rental site before committing to them. Some trade show booths will need different types of walls, after all, to make a good exhibit.
Modular Walls and Trade Shows
While a trade show is not the only time for using modular walls, it is a highly popular context for using portable walls to create temporary exhibits of any size and shape. Why is this? Put simply, a trade show is highly lucrative for any company that sends a team there to set up a stall and attract potential customers, investors, business clients, and the like. Yes, the internet is quite an effective communication tool today, but the human element of business has not been lost, and many business deals and meetings are done face to face, like at trade shows. A convention center is a fine place to host a trade show, and many companies big and small (and involved in various sectors) will send a team there to make a display. This means having modular walls, tables, and chairs on hand.
Many statistics are kept every year to track how to perform good business, and this means studying trade shows, too. The numbers easily demonstrate that setting up a trade booth is a fine way to increase business, and it should be noted that fully 81% of all trade show attendees have buying power or authority. Meanwhile, 92% of all trade show attendees say that their main goal there is to see any and all new products being displayed, and a booth with quality modular walls and visual aids is bound to draw that kind of attention. A typical or average trade sow attendee is going to spend five and a half hours at the event, plenty of time for any booth to be noticed and visited, and 885 of participants are there to boost awareness of their company and its brand. Similarly, 72% of those participants aim to get new leads on buyers and prospects.
Now it is time to consider modular walls and displays for all this. If a company does not already own such hardware, then a month or two before the trade show takes place, the company can send buyers to local rental companies and look over the different models of wall panels and partition wall that they offer. Doing this in person is best, so renters can see how large a mobile wall is and what kind of material it has. Some walls are longer, taller, or heavier than others, after all, and it would not do to buy one that’s too big (wastes space and money) or too small (can’t hold the desired displays). Once some suitable wall systems are rented, the rental company will arrive at the trade show om behalf of their clients a few hours ahead of time and set them up.
Often, forming an incomplete cubicle may make for a good trade show booth, where the participants set up a table and chairs, then place a wall behind them and one on each side. This maximizes the surface area where they can put posters, an electronic display screen, banners, graphs and charts, or even lightweight sample items to show off the company’s business and wares. Prominent, colorful, and creative displays may go a long way toward attracting an attendee’s interest, such as with an attractive and large logo, bright colors, sample items, and large, crisp photographs relevant to whatever the attendees are trying to sell. Larger items, such as airplane seat samples or a dish washer, can be placed on the floor within the booth for display.