There are many reasons that companies may choose to delegate staffing your company to staffing agencies rather than doing it themselves. A staffing agency offers a better option when it comes to staffing your company. Employee turnover costs more than 11 billion each year, and more than half of all companies view employee retention as their number one problem. Staffing companies can help your company find employees who are a better fit and end of staying for years. Staffing agencies choose qualified candidates who fit exactly what you’re looking for to eliminate problems soon after hire, such as the 22% of all new hires who choose to leave the job less than two months after they are hired. Staffing agencies will ask you what your perfect candidate looks like before staffing your company, and they will work to find a candidate that best matches your preferences. Not sure what preferences to request? Take a look at the most sought after skills at the moment and see if you can add them to your list.
Problem Solving
Certain skills such as problem solving are always going to be in demand. No matter what year it is and no matter what job industry. The one thing that is beneficial about problem solving skills is that no matter what problem arises this employee will always keep a cool head and be able to think and work well under stress.
Data Analysis
The world we live in today is extremely data driven. It is important for employees to be able to analyze different types of data. This information can be used to identify certain types of trends and apply them to the business practice. This is a skill that is in demand and will continue to grow in demand over the next few years.
Creativity is a skill that will never go out of style. This skill will always be sought after in a variety of business settings. Fresh ideas about approaching jobs and approaching problems are what businesses want to see. Since most typical interviews do not involve questions pertaining to creativity many companies rely on staffing agencies to highlight creativity skills in potential new hires.
Willingness to Learn
Employers want to know that they have an employee who is willing to learn all that they can. They want to know that the person they choose to hire is not going to get bored and get complacent. They want to know that each new hire has a willingness to learn as much as they can and keep on learning. These are the kinds of employees that people want to hire. This skill is one that will never get old and will always be in demand.
This trait is more or less something that tells people that you will not give up. Most of the new technology makes it seem like more mistakes are made before you succeed. Employers want to know that you are resilient enough to see through the many mistakes and continue until the desired outcome is achieved. This tells them that you willing to go the extra mile, and willing to do whatever it takes in your job.
Staffing your company with the right people does not have to be an impossible job. With the right specifications and a little help from the right staffing agency, your company can find the perfect candidate for the job. This leads to happy companies and happy employees who stay where they are longer.
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